Diaper Bag Baby Essentials for First-Time Moms

3 min read

Diaper Bag Baby Essentials for First-Time Moms

So, you're a first-time mom and you're getting ready to go out with your baby for the first time. You've got the car seat all set up and you think you're good to go... but wait! There's one more thing you need to do before you hit the road: pack a diaper bag. 

Packing a diaper bag may seem like a daunting task, but don't worry, we're here to help. In this blog post, we'll go over some of the must-have items you should put in your diaper bag to make sure you're prepared for anything.

  1. Diapers and wipes - This one goes without saying, but you'll need to pack plenty of diapers and wipes in your diaper bag, especially if you're going to be out for a while. We recommend packing at least 6 diapers and a travel-sized package of wipes. 
  2. A change of clothes - accidents happen, so it's always good to have a spare set of clothes on hand, just in case. Make sure to pack clothes that are appropriate for the weather and that are easy to change into (think snaps or velcro instead of buttons). 
  3. Feeding essentials - If you're breastfeeding, all you'll need is a nursing cover; however, if you're formula-feeding, you'll need to pack bottles, formula, and burp cloths. And if your baby is eating solid food, don't forget the snacks! 
  4. Toys - Keeping your little one entertained on long car rides or while waiting in line can be a challenge, so make sure to pack some of their favorite toys. A few small toys should do the trick; just avoid anything too noisy or with lots of small pieces that could get lost or be swallowed. 
  5. An extra blanket - An extra blanket is always good to have on hand, whether you need it for warmth, cleaning a mess, or for using as a makeshift changing pad. Choose a lightweight blanket that folds up easily so it doesn't take up too much space in your diaper bag. 
  6. A first-aid kit - You never know when you might need some bandaids or antiseptic wipes, so it's always good to have a small first-aid kit in your diaper bag.  
  7. A travel-sized changing pad - While some diaper bags come with built-in changing pads, this isn’t practical for our leather diaper bags. So be sure to pack a small foldable one to use when changing diapers on the go.  
  8. Hand sanitizer and tissues - In addition to wipes, it's also good to have hand sanitizer and tissues on hand for quick clean-ups (for both you and your baby). Also, a dry tissue can be softer than a diaper wipe for a runny nose.
  9. Sunscreen and hats - If you're going to be spending any time outdoors, don't forget the sunscreen! Be sure to pack both sunscreen and hats (or other sun-protection gear) for both you and your baby.  
  10. A fully charged cell phone - Last but not least, make sure your cell phone is fully charged before heading out the door. You can call for help if you need it or snap some pictures of those precious first moments without having to worry about your phone dying midway through the day. Or just keep yourself entertained while your little one naps. 

We hope this list has given you some ideas of what essentials to pack in your diaper bag as a first-time momma. Just remember: when in doubt, err on the side of packing too much rather than too little! That’s what the Collette Leather Diaper Bag is for. Better safe than sorry when it comes to taking care of your little one away from home.

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